Refreshing Your Relationship: Review Pet Peeves Together

Refreshing Your Relationship: Review Pet Peeves Together

No matter how close and strong the bond is with our partner, there are always little things that we do that “bug” our greatest audience. Too often, such personal habits are only discussed in the middle of a heated argument when they are hurled like...
Refreshing Your Relationship: Set Regular Dates

Refreshing Your Relationship: Set Regular Dates

A good portion of the enjoyment of a pleasant date is in anticipation. We have a date for Friday night, and we think about it throughout the week. We think about what we will wear, where we’ll go, what we’ll eat, what we’ll say and do. We plan how...
Refreshing Your Relationship: Share Your Day’s Activities

Refreshing Your Relationship: Share Your Day’s Activities

Even the closest couples these days (with the rare, happy exceptions of those who work together) spend more awake time apart in their separate careers than they do together. The individual you are when at work, no matter what career you pursue, is very different than...
Refreshing Your Relationship: Spend Quiet Time Together

Refreshing Your Relationship: Spend Quiet Time Together

Our lives are so busy that work and family responsibilities preclude very much quiet time with our mates. We are so weary when we finally fall into bed that we seldom take the time to talk to each other or to nurture that specialness that is ours alone. Look at your...
Rekindle The Fire

Rekindle The Fire

Tired of dead-end date nights? Is your sweetheart’s idea of an exciting Friday night date a pizza and watching satellite television? I’m not suggesting spending time at home alone together can’t be romantic. But, come on! Let’s be honest. I doubt if having remnants of...